wanna help us get our books onto library thing tonight?
free pizza for volunteers. 5 -10 pm.
punk rawk show to follow!
PART 1 (5-10)
Help us create an online catalog for our books with librarything (http://www.librarything.com/profile/crossroadsinfoshop )
Bring your laptop and be ready to type ISBNs.
Food starts at 5:00p and cataloging demonstrations will begin promptly at 5:30 PM.
Part 2 (9:30-???)
A documentary, "Grazing in the Future Pasture," is going to be playing at the Infoshop.
Afterwards four great bands will be playing their hearts out for anyone who shows.
ShugE, Bouncer Fighter, and Anders Ponders from Minneapolis will be starting out the music with the 20,000 Strongmen ending the night.
+ + +
we are the crossroads infoshop
and we are located at
3109 troost ave